Since making these bran muffins and being the only one eating them, I feel like they are breeding in my fridge. I eat one and the pile does not appear to diminish. I eat another. Still a heap there.
I made these as a solution to leftovers. What was I thinking? I should have known better, but I have to keep plugging healthy foods as inconspicuously as possible. Yet, if they won't eat bran cereal, they still won't eat bran muffins. Even when the identities of all essential ingredients are not fully disclosed (as I like to selectively label my concoctions in hopes of a well received outcome). Wishful thinking.
No matter how I disguise things sometimes, the true identity is revealed by the palate. I tried. I called them banana muffins. I called them cinnamon muffins. I implored each family member to taste and see for themselves how scrumptious and moist they are.
Two tasted and revolted against the bran-ish aspect. Two drew battle lines and warned me not to cross it armed with bran-banana-cinnamon-whatever-I call-them-at-the-moment-to-disguise-the-icky-stuff-in-them muffins or they would retaliate. Actually, they ran away as I drew near. They all chose to deprive themselves of these healthy and tasty little brown bundles.
I am left to my limited culinary devices to figure other serving ideas. Because they really are quite good!
Voila, strawberry brancake.
It's what's for breakfast.
You could do this with any muffin batch.
Have a go at it. You will love it.
I still can't get my kids to touch it.