
Just a few necessary legalities that I will put into laymen verbage so we all know what is being said simply and clearly.

  • I am the author and content creator of this blog unless I have otherwise noted through credit to or acknowledgement of another source which I have stated or linked to give due recognition.  My content is copyrighted in my name as per Google BlogSpot.
  • I would be genuinely honored if you see or read something I have posted and would like to copy or share it.  My request is to simply be fair, and give credit to me by stating my name and BlogSpot and linking to me with the use of my content.  This way, we can all play nicely in the cyber sandbox and no one goes away upset because someone ripped their toy out of their hands and stole it.
  • There may or may not appear within the sidebars or posts advertisements and/or links to companies, retailers and/or various merchants or businesses through which I may or may not be given an eensie weensie compensation if you click on them to view/purchase their merchandise and or business.
  • As I have done the investigating to find deals and present them to you for your perusal or purchase, my hope in doing so would be to prove beneficial to you by easing an often overly saturated shopping market.  By clicking on things that I have extended to you through a link or advertisement on or within my blog and posts, I am intending to serve you in the bargain hunting arena or introduce something I personally find of value.  Which leads me to my final disclosure...
  • I may or may not receive items for review from vendors and/or merchandisers and/or retailers, etc.  If I should ever receive an item to review, I would notate this with a c/o in the post.  Any review I should do will be my honest opinion of the item as I experienced it, and you can trust that I will not intentionally be deceptive or misleading for personal gain.

If you would like to contact me please send an email to me at klaporte07@gmail.com.

Thank you!

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